An echocardiogram is an ultrasound (“echo-”) imaging technology that is used to observe the heart (“cardio”). It uses sound waves that reflect off of your heart and thereby create a moving picture of your heart on a computer monitor. This scan will enable your physician to obtain different views of your heart and to record your heart rhythm. Echocardiograms provide precise data and can detect cardiac problems, like cardiac tissue damage, enlarged chambers, fluid in the sac that surrounds the ... [Read More]
Types of Primary Care Practices
Primary care consists of services provided by a primary care physician. A primary care physician has a breadth of knowledge and skills, and is typically a patient’s entry point into the healthcare system. If you are not feeling well and the issue is not life-threatening, you do not need to go to the emergency room. You can be seen by a primary care doctor, who will examine you and handle a range of medical conditions at the primary care level. If you end up needing a specialist, your primary ... [Read More]
Types of Diets Offered at Our Weight Loss Center
Weight loss attempted alone is a very big challenge for most people, which is why so many people end up giving up a few weeks into their diet. Medical weight loss is an excellent way to lose weight and keep it off. It involves a medical doctor helping craft a unique diet and exercise plan that takes all your specific information and lifestyle in mind. Medical weight loss programs have a high success rate, because they are backed by professionals who know how weight loss works and the challenges ... [Read More]
New Year, New Weight Loss Tips
Most people’s New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. Unfortunately, a lot of them fail to achieve it within a month or two, because they don’t use the right strategies to keep going. The truth is, weight loss is a slow journey and the trickiest part is keeping up with healthy habits long-term. If weight loss is your New Year’s resolution, make a goal, keep on track, be motivated, and be patient. Results won’t develop overnight. Here are tips to help you achieve your weight loss goals and ... [Read More]
FAQs About Weight Loss Centers
Losing weight is not easy. Even the road to losing just five pounds can be paved with challenges. As the weeks go by without being able to lose weight, you may be tempted to throw in the towel. What option is there for someone like you, who is serious about losing weight and getting healthy? Studies show that medically assisted weight loss programs are much more successful at helping people lose weight than when they attempt to go it alone. A weight loss center is a great resource for ... [Read More]