You can turn to many types of doctors for specific medical concerns. In many cases, there is an overlap in the medical care certain doctors can provide. Such is the case with primary care physicians (PCP), family doctors, and internists. These medical professionals share a common goal, which is to help improve your overall health. When looking for the right physician for your needs, it’s helpful to know the differences of medical expertise. Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and ... [Read More]
Types of Echocardiograms
An echocardiogram, also referred to as echo or echocardiography, is a type of routine examination for evaluating how well your heart’s chambers and valves are pumping blood. This test is recommended for people who are showing symptoms of heart problems, such as chest pains, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. There are different types of echocardiograms, each of which uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the heart and its structures and reveal abnormalities and ... [Read More]
Visiting a center for primary care during the covid-19 pandemic
Access to primary care is something every person should have. It is through regular visits to a primary care doctor that patients get health checks that can reveal potentially serious health issues in early stages. If you haven’t left your home to visit a center for primary care since the start of the pandemic, you are missing out on the benefits of annual checks, wellness checks, and screenings. The CDC has released guidelines for health centers, including primary care clinics, since last ... [Read More]
When Should You See a Physician for Unintentional Weight Loss?
For most of us, losing weight is a good thing – but if you’re suddenly losing weight for no apparent reason, it’s a good idea to see a doctor to have it checked. If you haven’t been sick, haven’t changed your diet, and haven’t been getting more exercise than usual, the weight loss may signify an underlying health condition. Let’s talk about some of the signs that indicate you should seek an evaluation by an internal medicine specialist for unintentional weight loss, and where you can go for ... [Read More]
Interpreting Your Results After an Echocardiogram
If your recent checkup uncovered a possible heart issue, your internist may have ordered an echocardiogram. This is an ultrasound of the heart, showing real-time video of its function and structure just like an ultrasound of a fetus during a pregnancy. Note that this is different than an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), which is a graph-like tracking of a heart’s rhythm. An echocardiogram is performed to monitor your heart and valves for issues such as infection or heart disease. Your internal ... [Read More]