Patients that are recommended surgery need to undergo cardiac testing for surgical clearance. You may be wondering why this is necessary. Surgery is a major undertaking, especially if anesthesia is used during the procedure. The results of cardiac testing can affect the choice of anesthesia and help doctors plan for surgery and make better postoperative recommendations. Cardiac events are a common cause of complications during surgery. Therefore, a risk assessment is an important step in ... [Read More]
Cardiac Conditions
Most Common Cardiac Conditions
Your heart pumps oxygen-rich blood throughout your body, and in order for it to function properly, every part of it needs to work efficiently. Unfortunately, there are a variety of cardiac conditions that can cause a hinderance in how your heart functions. As a result, you may experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and put your life at risk. Here are some common cardiac conditions that you should be aware of: Arrhythmia Often referred to as an abnormal heart rhythm, arrhythmia is ... [Read More]